Books are awesomtastic.
I'm just testing out the flickr upload feature. Rather snazzy.
A chronicle of a move to LA and life in general.
I have completely pulled a "Swingers" on this great babysitting prospect. I'm looking for someone to watch Miles 2 or 3 days a week so I can maybe go back to work or, I don't know, get a haircut?
In theory we move out of the hotel and into the new house tomorrow.
"We will not repeat the mistakes of other generations, appeasing or excusing tyranny, and sacrificing freedom in the vain pursuit of stability," the president said. "We have learned our lesson; no one's liberty is expendable. In the long run, our security and true stability depend on the freedom of others." GW Bush, May 7, 2005
Downside to living in a hotel #1 - USA Today is a truly wretched paper.
The boy has discovered the true joy of the playground. When we got out of the car today and he saw the equipment he began squealing and flapping his arms furiously. It was nice. I'm so glad he's not scarred from our last visit, though I may be.